Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Great Soldier

     Today is Memorial Day. It makes me humble to think of all of those who have sacrificed to protect the land that God has given us. It also makes me proud of those men in my family who has served and sacrificed. My father was in the air force. My father-in-law was in the navy. My uncle was in the army and served in the Vietnam War and today suffers from the aspects of Agent Orange. My step father was a Marine and served in the Korean War. The most amazing story is my Uncle Von. He was a happy and loving man. I never knew as a child what a war hero he was. In fact, I have only learned about it in the last few years. He is a recipient of a Silver Star. A Silver Star is right under the Medal of Honor. He was in the Korean War and he was in battles that have been declared as some of the worse battles in history. One battle, he literally came close to freezing to death. Most of his fellow soldiers died or experienced severe cases of frost bite. The other battle was against the Chinese. Thousands were killed during that battle and he was one of the 25 men who survived. They hid out in a bunker that had been covered over until Americans stumbled across them. Nobody was looking for them because they were assumed to be dead with the rest of the troops. It amazes me that he was such a happy man when he had endured these terrible experiences.

     Though I honor my Uncle for his amazing service to our country and for what he endured to give us the freedoms we have; I honor him even more for the part he played in giving me my spiritual freedom. I was not raised going to church. I did not learn about God from my parents though they did nothing to hinder my knowledge. However, it was my uncle who picked me up for church three times a week for over 10 years. Now that I am adult, I realize what an inconvenience that must have been at times. He drove the church bus that picked up kids for church and he would always pick me up first. Because of his faithfulness to love me and his willingness to take on the role of seeing to my spiritual needs, I heard, understood, and accepted the gospel of Christ when I was ten years old.
     He is one of the people I owe for my freedom as an American and he is one of the people I owe for my freedom from the bonds of Satan. I thank God for him and I am blessed to have had him in my life. He was a great soldier for America and he was a great soldier for the Lord.

     Are you a good and faithful soldier in God’s army? Are you making a difference to someone’s spiritual freedoms?

You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.
2Timothy 2: 1-4

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Digging For That Which is Lost

     Living in Montana gave new challenges to my motor skill dysfunction. To add ice and snow to my daily obstacle course proved to be very challenging for me. One very snowy day, Bryce and I had gone to WalMart. Usually the plows go through the parking lots and pile up snow banks over five feet tall. However, this day the plows had not made it and the snow was far above my ankles and it was still snowing. With keys in hand, Bryce and I started running (Dwayne: RUNNING in snow!  Here it comes!) to my car. I know you know what is coming; I did not make it to my car without wiping out in the middle of the parking lot. I think this is the only fall I have had that I was not hurt, thanks to the layer of snow. I did have a problem though. When I fell, the keys in my hand went flying. (Have you noticed that I always have things flying?) Now we found ourselves cold, covered with snow, and with no keys to return home. We had no choice but to go on a hunt for the keys. We dug through the snow with our feet and our hands looking for where the keys flew having no idea how far they traveled or in which direction. It seems Bryce was too busy watching his mother wipe out in the middle of traveling cars through the parking lot than to see where the keys went. We were persistent to find the keys and after awhile I found them a little further from the scene than I had expected.
     Many times when we take emotional and spiritual falls in life we end up tossing some things in the wind. We realize that before we can get back to life before the fall, we have to recover what was lost after the fall. It could be many things like compassion, trust, respect, self worth, forgiveness, acceptance, strength, or a tender heart towards God. These are things we can’t afford to live without. We must find them in order to recover completely from our fall. Do not underestimate the need to search for the things lost. They are worth all effort to find.
     What has your fall or falls cost you? Have you lost something through the hurt or humiliation? Search for it! Ask God to restore your heart back to where it needs to be? Keep seeking. . .you will find it.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8 (NLT)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Remember the Rainbow

     If you are like me, you have caught yourself complaining about the rain lately. It seems like it is never going to stop. I was driving home from work the other day and hit rain again. I thought to myself, “I am so sick of driving in the rain, when is it going to stop?” Then I saw a beautiful double rainbow. It changed everything. Now, I was wondering how I was seeing a rainbow during the rain. Then I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. I love rainbows for several reasons. One, I lived in Montana for seven years and saw what I think are the most amazing rainbows I have ever seen. Secondly, when I was a teenage girl, I belonged to a group called Rainbow girls. (Don’t let you mind take you down the world’s version of rainbows! haha) One of the things I did each night was to open my Bible to the 9th chapter of Genesis that talks about the promise of God’s rainbows and lay it beside by bed as a reminder to remember God’s promises.

     When I see a rainbow, I think of the awesomeness of God. We would never have a rainbow without a little rain! No matter what your storm, he can appear in the midst with beauty. The rainbow is a symbol and reminder to us to stand on the promises of God both in and after the storm. He will never let us down. He will show His magnificence in a big way.
     Now when I looked at the rainbow while driving home, I swore I could see it touch the ground. I looked close for the pot of gold glowing in the sunlight but it was not there. However, in reality, there is always a pot of gold with a rainbow, it is Jesus.
     So remember, when the storm hits, you can stand on the promises of God, they will add comfort and hope to you in the midst of your hard times, and you will receive great reward; something of far more worth than gold . . . more Jesus!

And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me an dyou and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.
Genesis 9:12-15

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Where Are Your Feet Planted?

     The years Dwayne attended seminary were some of the hardest years on our family and some of the greatest years for our family! One great thing about Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is the campus! Since we did not have money to go out on the town, walks through campus were our date times. Sometimes we took the children with us and they would ride their bikes, and sometimes we would use it as time alone. The next klutzy move I am sharing with you happened on one of these particular walks. I hope you remember me telling you the other day that I do not have explanations for everything I do. Sometimes, it is just plain stupid! This is one of those times. It is probably the most embarrassing falls for me because I could have avoided it. It was a beautiful Sunday evening. Dwayne and I was on our walk; one with no children. It was picture perfect: not too hot, not too cold, nobody on campus, birds singing in the trees, and the sun using up the last of its daytime energy before calling it a day! This postcard scenery brought out the child in me (Dwayne:  No it's always out); or at least the childhood behavior! We were walking on a side walk that butted up next to a parking lot, so there was a curb. I started walking with one foot on the parking lot level and one up on the curb level. Imagine it! Sorry, I do not have a video to add of Dwayne illustrating this! This is one of his favorite falling stories and he always stands up and walks making his body go up and down to illustrate my tottering that day. As I was proceeding with my childlike stroll, Dwayne started his words of warning. He said, “Tonya, you are going to fall! You better quit!” I did not like or heed his warning. Just because I was acting childlike did not mean I was a child. I could handle this motor skill challenge just fine! I proceeded to inform him I was fine and I wouldn’t fall. He couldn’t stand seeing me play with fire and gave me warning after warning. Again, I confidently declared I was not going to fall. Literally, seconds later, I was lying on the cement rolling around knowing I was going to have to tune Dwayne’s heartstrings to have compassion on me or I was going to feast on six words that did not live up to their meaning . . .I am not going to fall! No matter how much I rolled around and grabbed my foot and cried that I had broke it!(Dwayne: Every time she falls, SOMETHING is ALWAYS broken; which is NEVER the case!)(It might be one day!); it did not work! Dang it! He has always been able to see reality through my emotions. My emotions were not getting me far with him. He listened and watched for awhile and then started telling me to get up. I agree that when you get up you can usually walk it off. However, it really did feel like I broke my foot (of course I have never broken a bone so I have no idea how a broken bone feels). After not being able to pry me off the cement to a standing position, he decided to give me little nudge with his foot. Please know that this is the first time I have stated his actions in this way. I usually say that Dwayne KICKED me when I was down! However, since I know that he will edit this devotion and put in his own version, I will just save him the trouble and concede to his version this one time (Dwayne: First time she's told the truth about this one)! I did get up and I walked it off though my pride has never recovered and Dwayne will never live down kicking me! lol
     How many times do we walk the Christian fence? One foot is on the Christian path and one foot is in the world. We teeter-totter along thinking we can pull it off. Often God sends us Christian friends to lovingly encourage us that we are going to get hurt. We act offended and conclude we will be fine. We receive more warnings and become more adamant that we will be fine!! Then before we can get the words out, the world goes tumbling down and we go tumbling down with it. Often we respond with much whining and complaining trying to get the sympathy of our loved ones. Some people look at us and say, “You wouldn’t listen and now you are going to have to pull yourself up!” Some of us never do! We spend the rest of our life whining about how either God or the world really hurt us!” Some of us, pull ourselves up and can’t decide which world we want to live in so we decide to keep walking with one foot in each. Yes, we fall often but think it is worth it for the thrill it gives us. Then some of us get up and walk it off and declare that we will never do that again. We ask God to forgive us and to light His path before us!
     Which one describes you? Do you have your feet planted solidly with God? Or do you walk with one foot in the world? Have you been warned? If not, consider this your warning!

Don't love the world's ways. Don't love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world --wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important--has nothing to do with the Father.
It just isolates you From Him. The world and all is wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out
--but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.
1 John 2:15-17

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

No Guarantee!

Today's devotion is quite short and to the point.  Many people was declared that last weekend was going to be the end of the world.  It did not happen.  Yet, we saw that for over 100 people their lives ended in a tornado Sunday night.  Both of these situations show us that death and life are in God's hands.  We never know when our life will be over.  We can wake up today with a full day of plans and die instantly in a car wreck, in an accident, or due to a health issue.
Do not assume you have tomorrow.  You are not guaranteed the next minute.  Are you ready?  Don't give the standard answer.  Search you heart.  Have you truly given you life to being a follower of Christ?  It is better to do an honest evaluation of your heart today before it is too late!

Do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day can bring forth.
Proverbs 27:1

Friday, May 20, 2011

Are You a Joy Giver or a Joy Sucker?

    Working many years now in HR, I have got to see people at their best and at their worst. I know who the people are who bless people and who the people that . . . let’s just say. . .are far from blessings! I call these people ‘JOY GIVERS’ and ‘JOY SUCKERS’. You know who they are! Your day may be going pretty good and you walk in to work and first thing, someone jumps on you, or doesn’t speak, or growls at you. Your first response is, “Who do you think you are?” It is as if they just sucked all the joy out of you! The bad thing is sometimes when they suck all my joy, I turn around and suck out someone else’s. I should protect my joy better than that and not allow anyone to suck out what the Lord gives me! The other day I received the following story from a friend. I think it supports what I am saying very well.
     One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really friendly. So, I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!' This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.' He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.
     It is our issue: when we choose to have a bad day we only have ourselves to blame. Last Friday, I had one of those days. I got up an hour early for work and didn't know it until I was leaving the house. I had many things to take to work for an employee luncheon that I was helping organize (Remember our elevator is still broken so everything had to be carried up 44 stairs; I had many I think I ended up walking 264 steps that day while always carrying extra pounds; besides my own). I left the bake beans I prepared for lunch at home; 20 minutes from work. I was tested by a few joy suckers. My car seat heater short circuited and burned a hole in my seat! I was leaving for Dallas for a wedding shower for my brother but since my car was 900 miles away from the warranty expiring, I had to drive to Tulsa first to take my car into the dealership to get it repaired; which added 90 minutes to my four hour drive. Finally, after leaving the dealership and maneuvering through rush hour and construction for 30 minutes; I got a call saying I did not leave the key to my car at the dealership! So, back I went through construction and rush hour to return to the dealership with my key! Now let's add two hours to my trip! That day tested my patience but I kept my joy! I was proud of myself because I do not always manage to do that! However, I could have let all my joy get sucked out of me and spread garbage out to everyone around me, but I didn't. I want to do that less and be a blessing more. I want to succeed at this goal of showing Jesus to others and to minister where I can. I can only do this if I protect my joy.
     What about you? Are you a joy giver? Or joy sucker? Do you respond with kindness when hit with a garbage truck? Or do you take the garbage and spill it out on others? Do you want to be a blessing? If so, then you need to stop letting circumstances, joy suckers, and other people's garbage take over and ruin your day. Decide now, before you hit, how you are going to react!

Be patient with each person, pay attention to individual needs. And be careful that when you get on each other's nerves you don't snap at each other. Look for the best in each other, and always do your best to bring it out. Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.
1 Thessalonians 5:14b-18 

P.S. You do know that I just set myself up to have a bad day and be tested on the words I just wrote! lol

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The End of the Story

      Finally, let’s look at the end of the story of Hannah. (I say finally because I have had internet problems all week and blogger was down for days and I couldn’t post!) God did answer Hannah’s prayer. She thought along that God was say NO! He really was saying NOT NOW. Waiting for God’s timing is always the hardest thing. I remember waiting for a child thinking God was telling me ‘no’ because he was punishing me, when he was saying ‘not now’! It is an excruciating wait.

      However, the next thing Hannah does is mind boggling to me. She remembered her plea with God through her soul spilling prayer: the one where she said she would give him back to God. Now as mother’s we think this can be accomplished through a ceremonial baby dedication and raising them in the knowledge of the LORD. Hannah once again did not serve God in any way but whole heartedly. She took her commitment seriously and she gave her son to the LORD. She breastfed him but when he was weaned (around 3-5 yrs of age) she took him to the temple and put him in the care of the priest who had watched her pray. There he lived his life and Hannah went to see him every year.
      This is sacrifice! We complain when God ask us to give our time, our tithe, our forgiveness, and our possessions to the Lord and yet. Hannah gave her son without complaint but with honor!
     Let’s consider two questions! Is there any commitment you make to the LORD that you have not kept? What kind of heart do you have towards giving sacrificially to the LORD?

“Pardon me, my lord. As surely as you live, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the LORD. I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD.”
1 Sammel 1:27-28

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pour Out Your Soul

     Today we are going to continue our story of Hannah. Though she continued to be harassed by Pininnah year after year, she continued to endure and persevere. Her husband loved her but didn’t really understand. One year on their trip to the temple, she broke down and had a good crying fit. You know the one: the one that all of us women have had from time to time. It was so hard for her to put up with the comments and the sneers of Pininnah and she kept turning to the LORD but He wasn’t giving her what she begged for. To top it all off, her husband tried to fix things with a typical man response. He said, “Why are you so upset. I love you. Am I not more important than having ten sons? They were at a celebration and when everyone was finished eating and drinking, she couldn’t take it anymore and she left. She went to the temple to pray and talk to the LORD some more. As she was praying she let all of her emotions out. She poured them at the feet of God. Eli, the priest was watching her and accused her of being drunk. He asked her when she was going to stop drinking. She assured him that she was broken hearted and was pouring her soul out to God and that she had not been drinking. He spoke a blessing over her that the LORD would give her what she asked.

     We can learn many things from Hannah. First we can see that men and women are really no different no matter what century we live. We can relate to the people of the Old Testament. Secondly, we can learn what it means to pour out our soul to the LORD. We have to break down our spiritual walls. Our wall of superficial, insignificant, self-protective and proper-appearing prayer does not produce intimacy in our communication with God.
     Have you ever been so troubled that you poured out your anguish and grief to the LORD? Have you ever been so open in spirit that others would have accused you of being drunk? I think each of us have experienced overwhelming times in life and we have poured out our soul to God. But my question for us to ponder is this; shouldn’t we experience it more than a few times in life? Should it not be more common in our prayer time with God? When the walls are taken down then the soul pours out! Is it time to pour your soul out to God?

Eli sad to her, “How long will you keep on getting drunk? Get rid of your wine.”
“Not so, my Lord,” Hannah replied, “I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the LORD. Do not take your servant for a wicked woman; I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief.”
1 Samuel 1: 14-16

Thursday, May 12, 2011

When God Says NO!

     I have been reading and pondering on Hannah. What an amazing women. Today we will look at the beginning of the story. Hannah was married to a man who was also married to another. Elkanah was the husband and Peninnah was the other wife. This story would make an amazing TV drama. Elkanah loved Hannah but Peninnah had given him several sons. Year after year Hannah took the taunting and cruel treatment of Peninnah. Peninnah rubbed it in and never let Hannah forget that God had not given her children. Every year when they went the temple Hannah was in tears before long from the treatment she received from Peninnah. Most likely, Peninnah was jealous of Hannah because Elkanah loved her so much and Hannah was jealous of Peninnah because she had give Elkanah two sons. Hannah did not turn from God; she continued to beg Him for a son. The interesting thing to me is that several times in scripture it states that God closed Hannah’s womb. Though Hannah knew God was in charge and He was the one not giving her a child, she did not stop turning to Him for deliverance from her barrenness.

     We can learn a great lesson from Hannah. There are times in life that God tells us ‘NO’ or He tells us “Not Now!” What do we do when that happens to us? Do we get mad at God and through a ‘God don’t love me’ fit? Do we crawl in a pit because God doesn’t care for us?
     May we all approach God’s plan for our lives like Hannah. May we keep our eyes on Him no matter what direction or what answers God gives us! In reality, who is there to turn too but God?

Because the LORD had closed Hannah’s womb, her rival keep provoking her in order to irate her. This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the LORD, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat!
1 Samuel 1:6

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Comfort in The Storms

    We sure have experienced some great storms lately!  Though we can have a beautiful day one day, the storms can hit the next!  The sound effects from these storms have been nothing less than amazing.  The dramatic sounds of the thunder and the extreme heaviness of the rain can raise concern in the heart! It makes me feel very blessed  that no matter what storm is going on outside of my house, I am safe within my shelter my house with a roof over my head. Even in the midst of the storm I can cuddle up on the couch in my bed with my blanket and puppies and have a sense of comfort.
     It reminds me of life. We go about our days and all is well. The sun is shining on life! Then out of the blue the sunshine fades and life gets a little cool and before we know it we are in the middle of a storm. We have a choice to make at this time. We can live in midst of the storm in fear and trembling or we can run to the shelter of the Lord. He can protect us from the harsh effects of the elements engulfing us. We can find comfort in Him! We can curl up with our Savior and enjoy a sense of comfort and peace in the midst of the storm.
     Is the sun shining in your life or is a storm brewing? Can you feel the temperature change? Or has the storm already hit? You can panic and let the storm hit you in the face; creating fear and trembling or you can rest in the Lord and His protection. He provides peace amidst the storm! I don’t know about you but that is where I prefer to be!

Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stills the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.
Psalm 107:28-30

Monday, May 9, 2011

Extreme Emotions of Motherhood

     Today is Mother’s Day. It is a day we celebrate MOTHERHOOD! It was a day of extreme emotions for me. Today, at church, we had two young couples dedicate their babies to the Lord. Baby dedications are special to me because when Brittne dedicated her life to missions and I wanted to hold on to her. However, God asked me if I meant what I said when I dedicated her as a baby to Him. I had to stand on the words I spoke. I love baby dedications and I had much joy for the two babies being dedicated to God today. However, on the other extreme of the feeling spectrum was the pain another couple in our church was feeling. We had planned on all the couples standing together as they dedicated their children to the Lord. What we didn’t know is that God would have one couple walk through the greatest baby dedication a couple could be asked to do. For them, their dedication meant giving their three month old son not only spiritually to the Lord but physically to the Lord. He is now in Heaven with the Lord. They did not stand with the other parents today, holding their son. For them it had already been done.

     Motherhood is full of extreme emotions. I had another friend lose their teenage son in a car wreck Friday. Though she has experienced major joy in her life as a mother; today she experienced the extreme of motherhood, a deep and hurting heart.
     Hannah was a mother that experienced these extremes. She prayed and begged God for child. He answered and gave her a child. She gave him back to the Lord by taking him to the temple at 3 years of age and she only saw him once a year. I cannot imagine walking away from my toddler!
     From my personal experience and from my watching other’s who go through the extremeness of life; the only way to endure is to keep your eyes on Jesus. Letting Him leave, letting Him direct, letting Him heal, and letting Him comfort us is the only way to keep from ending up in a pit of despair and bitterness. I have been blessed to know so many women who have experienced great hurt in life and who has never lost their dependence on Jesus. They have shown great strength in their witness of the powerful grace of God in their lives. May I be as faithful!

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord.
1 Samuel 27-28

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Let the Wind Blow!

     Last week I was determined to keep struggling to get an exercise routine in place again. I have been trying to run during my lunch hour at work. Driving an almost an hour to and from work is putting a hurdle in my exercise so I need to do it during my lunch hour. I did it for a few days, then I was gone a week and then it was rainy and cold. So, the first day it was sunny, I went for my run. I went 1.6 miles one way and then 1.6 miles back. The problem was the wind. It was like a mini tornado. My first direction was into the wind. I felt like I was running in place. It was the hardest mile I have ever run and probably the slowest mile I have ever run! The return trip was with the wind. I felt like the wind was picking me up and moving me every time I lifted my leg. It also felt as if it was pushing me all the way home. It was the easiest mile I have ever run and probably the fastest!

     In this life we live, we often have whirlwinds that hit us. When the wind works against us, we can grow weary. We wonder if we will ever be able to endure. The finish line seems too far to reach. It can feel that we are working hard and going nowhere. We want the wind to cease.
     Other times, the wind works in our favor. Things just click. Life seems easy and effortless. It is a time of accomplishment and we find extra energy.
     If you were to ask us which way we would rather get the wind; we would choice to have the wind blow with us! However, I remember learning that it is not good for a tree to be tied down to the ground to protect it from the wind because the tree then will grow weak. When the tree endures the stress of the wind it grows stronger.
     Surrender to the wind God allows in your life. Count your blessing when it works in your favor and rely on His wisdom when it works against you knowing it will make you stronger.

That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still! Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”
Mark 4:35-41

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One Day Evil Will Be Gone For Good!

     Today the news is full of Bin Laden’s death. There are celebrations taking place in the streets both in Washington and New York City. It resembles celebrations in other countries. Everyone feels relieved to have such an evil man gone. We feel revenged from 911! We celebrate the fact that we said we have finally accomplished the goal of killing Bin Laden.
     It does concern me that we act like we have killed evil. In reality, evil still prevails in Satan. As evil as Bin Laden was, Satan is many, many times worse. He is the source of evil. We cannot truly celebrate the death of evil. Satan will strike again until his days are done.
      However, I have been thinking deeply today about the day that we will celebrate the destruction of evil. The day Satan is thrown into the lake of fire forever and ever will be the day we can truly celebrate. We will not have to fear retaliation. We will not have to burden of sin in our life or this world again. That will be a time of celebrating in the streets and praising Jesus for His justice. As you watch the world deal with the death of Bin Laden, look forward to the real death to evil when Jesus brings justice on the Devil!
The devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Revelations 20:10